Sisters Healing Eachother- Rising Above
Ryen and Malaika put together sweet retreats for women looking to connect and get creative!
Most of all we have FUN! our goals and visions collide for a good blend of Barre/yoga and then we get crafty and create awesome projects!
Check out our next retreat and sign up!
WHEN: Sat, May 2nd
TIME: 1030am-230pm
Hello amazing women!!
Different times simply means doing things differently. Almost overnight we've been forced to accept a shift in how we connect with our environment, our family, friends, OURSELVES. What already seemed a "virtually" driven world we lived in even a month ago, is nothing compared to the one we are experiencing today. The "virtual" world is no longer a choice to participate in, it matter of factly IS. For Malaika and I, it has been a question of how do we still offer an intimate, in-person wellness experience in The Virtual World. The answer, We Still Do! So here's to all of you, ever present in our hearts and minds, more important than ever, needing to bring the support and connectivity of this awesome women-based community together again through another SHE-RA retreat. Some of you have attended one of our past retreats in person, some of you have only taken a class from Malaika and/or I... Either way, we bring you a retreat offering a few virtual hours of tangible body/mind awareness.
The same leggings for days, no shower, no judgement...
Come As You, For You.
Date: Saturday 5/2/2020 (Registration will close 4/30)
Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm (We understand committing to this amount of uninterrupted time might be difficult for some of you (especially those with children), come and go as needed during this timeframe. Seriously, we get it!)
Cost: $20.00 (Any additional donation is greatly appreciated!)
**We understand these are uncertain times, especially financially. We know that money spent needs to be a worthy investment, more so than ever right now. Malaika and I sincerely thank you for your investment in us, the health and wellness we strive to continue to offer and, most importantly, your investment in your own wellness.)
- Please e-mail Malaika at: malaikados@gmail.com
- Payment: Please VENMO Ryen Herrmann - Here is my Venmo profile (if you wish to use another form of payment, please e-mail Malaika at the above email address)
- Once your $20 minimum is received you will be added to the attendee roster and a follow-up email will be sent with your ZOOM invite link (if you are new to ZOOM, information on how to connect to ZOOM will be given).
**Again, please register by 4/30!!
- 10:30am: Introduction and Opening Circle with Malaika and Ryen
- 11am - 11:45am: Barre Fitness Session with Ryen
- 11:45pm - 12:30pm: Snack/Lunch Break
- 12:30pm - 1:15pm: Yoga Nidra with Malaika
- 1:15pm - 2pm: Closing Circle
**Again, we understand that 3.5hrs of complete uninterrupted time may not be possible. Take breaks as needed throughout the above schedule!
Space & Props needed:
- Space: If possible, try to set yourself up in a space that can accommodate a yoga mat and full extension of arms overhead both standing up and lying down. For the BARRE session, a sturdy mid-thigh to waist-high support system to act as the "barre" is ideal (this could be the back of a sofa, sturdy armchair, kitchen counter, desk, etc.)
- Props:
Yoga Mat (ideal, but not necessary. Particularly for the Barre session, just make sure you have access to a skid-free area like bare feet on a hard wood floor or grippy socks if you're on carpet.)
Light Weights (1lb - 3lbs is recommended) - (ideal, but not necessary. There are easy alternatives to weights such as 2 food cans, etc.)
Yoga Block (ideal, but not necessary)
Cozy Warm Layers (blanket, sweater, socks, etc.)
Notebook and Pen
Barre Fitness:
- An all-level fitness program utilizing movements inspired by classical ballet methods, Pilates, yoga and orthopedic exercises. (All exercises can be modified to meet individual physical needs). The session will conclude with yoga inspired stretching and breathing.
Yoga Nidra:
- A gentle and therapeutic yoga flow, followed by Yoga Nidra. The session will end with accompanied Tibetan Singing Bowl sound bath for an overall deep rest and rejuvenation of the mind and physical senses.
Snack/Lunch Break: This is all you! Prepare your beverage and snack/lunch of your choice. BUT, while we've got you reading here, we urge you to take a little time ahead of this retreat to prepare something that is yummy and offers good nutrition.
Whether or not you are able to join us for this retreat, Malaika and I send healthy love and peace your way!

Step 1
Step 2

" After attending the last She-Ra Women’s Retreat that it was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!
The classes were EXCELLENT, the food was PHENOMENAL and I left with feeling like I had been at the SPA for the weekend!!!
If you can make it,
TREAT yourself to this INCREDIBLE DAY!"
-Barbara Paganelli